Important: This intervalTimer can be usedto remind youwhena period, up to 11 hoursand
55 minutes, expires.Itcanbeusedindependentlyof anyotherovenactivityandcanbesetwhile
anotherovenfunctionisoperating. The Timer doesnot controlthe oven.
To set Timer
I. TouchTimer Pad.
The Indicator Word TIMER willflash and "0HR:00" appears inthe Display.
2. Touch Up Arrow Pad until the desired number of minutes or hours and minutes appear
inthe Display.
Note: Ifmorethan fifteen seconds elapsebetween touching theTimar PadandUp Arrow
Pad, Timer Pad must be touched again.
Example: TosettheTImerforSminutes, touch:TimerPadandL bArrowPad.Afterfour
seconds, the Displaywillshow:
Example: Toset theTimer for I hour, touch:Timer Pad and Up Arrow Pad. Afterfour
seconds, the Displaywillshow:
After four seconds, the Timer willstart to countdown. Displaywillcountdown in minutes
untilthe lastminute.When thelastminuteisreachedtherewillbe a beepand Displaywill
go to seconds. I
Example: 55 sec. I :SS
Atthe endof timeset, thetimerwillbeep fourtimesand "End" willappear inthe Display.
Ifthe timeris notcancelled (see below), there willbe two beeps everythirtysecondsfor
five minutesand the Displaywilt remainas below.
[ End ...
Note: Countdown will have display precedence over other time functions. After Timer
ends, Display will return to time of day.
To cancel Timer
1. Touch and hoidTImer Pad forthreeseconds.
2. a. TouchTimer Pad and
b. Touch Down Arrow Pad untiltime isreturned to"00".
NOTE: Touching Cancel Off Pad to cancel beeps will cancel ALL selected oven