Remove the oven and all materials from the carton.
Your oven comes with the following accessories:
Turntable 1
Turntable roller rest 1
Instruction Manual 1
Door Cabinet Interior light Control panel
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_ Door release b_/tton
• Pressthe button to open door.
• When you open the door during
Safer rinterlock system cooking process, the cooking stops but
Shuts off oven power if door is the program will not be canceled.
opened during operation. TouchSTART to resume cooking.
• Both turntable and roller rest
Turntable must always be used during
• All food and containers of food
are always placed on the
___ turntable for cooking.
• Turntable memory allows the
_n turntable to return to its starting
Roller r derside) position at the end of cooking
operation. This is especially
convenient for cups or other
items with handles. At the end of
cooking, "0" may remain in the
display briefly to allow the
turntable to return to its starting
Receptacle ___ position. The oven light and fan
will remain on but the microwave
1. Place the roller rest on the cavity power is turned off.
bottom. • The turntable rotates clockwise
2. Place the turntable on top of the and counterclockwise; this is
roller rest as shown in the normal.
diagram. Make sure the turntable • If turntable or roller rest cracks or
hub is securely locked in the breaks, contact your nearest
receptacle, authorized service center for
• Never place the turntable upside more information regarding
down. The turntable should never replacement.
be restricted.