ERROR(ERROR1,2) * ERRORl: lf door is opened • Press STOP/CLEAR and
message appears in before time countdown restart using Timed
the display window, appears in the display. Cooking on page 14.
'. ERROR2: If the oven has • Press STOP/CLEAR and
not been plugged into a wait for 5 minutes to
power supply for more than restart from step 1 of
5 minutes when you start Auto Sensor
Sensor Cooking. Microwaving on
page 16.
Why couldn't l get • The food was not covered • See pages16 -17 and 24
good results even properly. -25 for instructions on
though I cooked food how to prepare food.
using Auto Sensor • STOP/CLEAR was pressed • Do not open the door or
Cooking? or the door was opened press STOP/CLEAR
while the sensor was while display shows
programming the right SENSOR COOKING.
cooking time and power
• The food being cooked was ° Use Timed Cooking.
not suitable for Auto (see page 14)
Sensor Microwaving
• There may have been too • When cooking more
much or not enough food to than 2Ibs (900 g) or less
ensure proper results from than 4 oz. (115 g) of
Auto Sensor Microwaving. food, use Timed
Cooking on page 14.