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Wheelchair 22 Part No 1171880
Roll the wheelchair backward and slowly lower the wheelchair in one
continuous movement. DO NOT let the wheelchair drop the last few
inches to the ground. This could result in injury to the occupant. Turn
the anti-tippers so the wheels are facing down.
FIGURE3 Tipping - Curbs
4.6 Stairways
Follow this procedure for moving the wheelchair between floors when an elevator is not available:
Moving Up Stairs
1. If necessary, rotate the anti-tippers so the wheels are facing up.
2. One assistant (positioned behind the wheelchair), securely grasps a non-removable (non-detachable) part of the wheelchair for leverage and tilts
the wheelchair back to the balance point.
3. After the wheelchair has been tilted back to the balance point, the assistant behind the wheelchair backs the wheelchair up against the first step.
4. The second assistant (positioned in the front of the wheelchair), with a firm hold on a non-detachable part of the framework, lifts the wheelchair
up and on to the next stair above and steadies the wheelchair as the assistant behind the wheelchair places one foot on the next stair above and
repeats process.
When lowering the front casters of the wheelchair,
Do not let the wheelchair drop the last few inches
to the ground. This could result in injury to the
occupant and/or damage to the wheelchair.
Extreme caution is advised when it is necessary to move an occupied or unoccupied wheelchair up or down the stairs.
Invacare recommends that, if possible, the user be removed from the wheelchair prior to moving. Invacare
recommends using two assistants and making thorough preparations. Make sure to use only secure, non-detachable
parts for hand-held supports.