
EasyCoder PX4i User’s Guide (IPL version) 51
Chapter 6 — Setting Up the Printer
Stop Bits
The number of stop bits specifi es how many bits will defi ne the end of a
character. There are two options:
• 1 (default)
• 2
XON/XOFF (default)
In the XON/XOFF protocol, data fl ow control is achieved by using
XON (DC1) and XOFF (DC3) characters. Message blocks are not
required to be bracketed by the Start of Text (STX) and End of Text
(ETX) characters. However, at power up or after a reset all characters
except ENQ or VT will be ignored until an STX is detected. The mes-
sage length in this protocol is unrestricted. That is, the printer processes
information as it is being downloaded and stops when there is no more
XON/XOFF protocol conforms to generally accepted industry standards.
No end-of-message response is sent to the host other than XOFF. An
XON will be sent on power up.
Since DC1 and DC3 are used for data fl ow control, the printer status
characters are different than those of the Standard Protocol. If the host
ignores the printer’s XOFF, the printer will resend an XOFF after receiv-
ing every 15 characters from the host.
Condition Character
Buffer already full GS
Printhead raised US
Ribbon fault US
No label stock EM
Buffer now full DC4
Printhead hot SI
Label at strip pin FS
Label skipping DC2
Printing DC2