
2 EasyCoder PX4i User’s Guide (IPL version)
Chapter 1 — Introduction
Description of EasyCoder PX4i Printer
The EasyCoder PX4i is a high-volume thermal transfer printer with a
printhead resolution of 8 dots/mm = 203.2 dots/inch and a maximum
print width of 112 mm (4.5 inches).
The EasyCoder PX4i offers a large number of useful features, such as:
High speed printing up to 300 mm/sec. (12 inches/sec.)
Flash memory SIMMs for fi rmware, fonts, and bar codes
Built-in CompactFlash memory card adapter
Built-in RS-232 and USB interfaces
Provision for one or two extra interface boards including wired or
wireless EasyLAN connections and parallel interface
Keyboard and display with backlight
Support for network monitoring through optional software tools
A large number of factory-installed or fi eld-installable options are avail-
able, so the printer can be confi gured for a wide range of applications.
See Chapter 8 and Appendix A for more information.
The printer is designed to work with the Intermec InterDriver and
Intermec LabelShop. The InterDriver allows you to print labels from
standard MS Windows applications, for example Microsoft Offi ce.
Intermec LabelShop is a series of label-design programs that work under
various versions of MS Windows.
The EasyCoder PX4i supports the Intermec Programming Language
(IPL) v2.30. A version of EasyCoder PX4i, that supports Intermec Fin-
gerprint v8.30, is described in a special User’s Guide.