Hold printing until buffer is released
EIA-232 Syntax:
ESC 7 or X'1B37'
If the system can not send data to the printer at a speed needed to keep
the printer in constant motion, it can hold the printer queue until it sends all
data lines for a transaction.
The printer must be printing one line while processing the next line. If the
printer is unable to completely process a line, the print speed reduces to
The line count is reset when the buffer is held.
Page mode printing commands
Note: Not supported on the TI1 and TI2.
Select page mode
EIA-232 Syntax:
ESC L or X'1B;4C'
v Enables page mode printing.
v Supported on thermal station only.
v Starting position is set by Set printable area X'1B;57..' and Set print
direction X'1B;54..' commands.
v Intercharacter spacing X'1B;20;n' and line spacing X'1B;31', X'1B;32',
X'1B;33' commands are set independently for page mode and standard
v The following commands are allowed:
– Rotate characters
– Set alignment
– Set/Clear upside-down
– Set margins
Select standard mode
EIA-232 Syntax:
ESC O or X'1B;4f'
Epson emulation syntax:
ESC S or X'1B;53'
v This command is effective in page mode only.
v Data buffered in page mode is cleared.
v This command sets the print position to the beginning of the line.
Updated April 2, 2009
Appendix D. EIA-232 programming information 177