Table 14. EIA-232 commands organized by function (continued)
Description Command Page
Asynchronous (Real-Time) Commands
Real-time requests DLE ENQ n or X'1005n'
n Description
31 Release print buffer
32 Cancel print buffer
33 Undefined
34 EC request; send status
35 Undefined
36 Undefined
37 Undefined
38 Undefined
40 Reset printer
41 Enable unsolicited status
42 Disable unsolicited status
43 Disable transparent XON/XOFF
Data Buffer Management and Batch Printing
Reset line count ESC 6 or X'1B36' 176
Disable line count ESC 8 n or X'1B38'n 176
Hold printing until buffer is
ESC 7 or X'1B37' 177
Page Mode Printing Commands
Select page mode ESC L or X'1B4C' 177
Select standard mode ESC S or X'1B4f' 177
Select printable area ESC X or X'1B58;x;y;dx;dy' 178
Select printing direction/position ESC T n or X'1B54;n' 178
Set vertical position GS $ y or X'1D24;y' 178
Set relative vertical position GS \ y or X'1D5C;y' 179
Set left margin position (standard
mode), Set absolute print position
(page mode)
ESC $ n1 n2 or X'1B24;n1;n2' 179
Set relative horizontal position ESC <5C>h n1 n2 or X'1B5C;n1;n2' 180
Set printing position GS ] xyor X'1D5D;x;y' 180
Print and form feed and cut the
FF or X'0C' 181
Print page in page mode ESC FF or X'1B0C' 181
Clear print data in page mode CAN or X'18' 181
Updated April 2, 2009
Appendix D. EIA-232 programming information 107