Printer Features
2-3About the Printer
Printer Features
The following are the major features of your printer.
PostScript Level 1 and Level 2 Compatibility
The QMS 4525 printer provides PostScript Level 1 and Level 2 page
description capabilities via QMS-developed emulations that are com-
patible with Adobe's PostScript Level 1 and Level 2 languages while
providing additional capabilities. PostScript controls the appearance
of text, geometric shapes, and images at the printer. It can rotate,
scale, clip, and orient graphic objects on all or part of a page. You can
even print color PostScript files in black, white, and shades of gray to
proof color files quickly and economically.
The PostScript Level 2 emulation supports the new capabilities of the
“second generation” of Adobe's PostScript software. Level 2 consoli-
dates extensions made to the PostScript language over the last few
years and provides new features and functionality that expand the
language's capabilities and improve overall performance. New Post-
Script level 2 features include improved memory and resource man-
agement, built-in data compression/decompression filters to speed up
transmission times and save disk space, optimized graphics and text
operators, and patterns and forms support, including pattern and form
For additional information about the PostScript Level 2 emulation,
refer to the
QMS Crown Technical Reference Manual
. For information
about using specific Level 2 features, refer to your Level 2 application
13 Resident PostScript Typefaces
Your printer comes with 13 typeface families that contain 43 different
PostScript fonts licensed from ITC and Linotype. All 13 typeface fami-
lies have multilingual character sets and reside in memory. The fonts
in all of these typeface families can be scaled, rotated, pattern filled,
halftoned, shaded, shadowed, and cropped, depending on your appli-
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