Resident Fonts
Resident Fonts
Fonts permanently stored in the printer's memory; also called internal fonts.
A measurement of the dots-per-inch (dpi) in output material, either printed
or displayed, as in a “high-resolution monitor.” Your printer features a 300
dpi resolution.
Right Key
This key moves the cursor one character position to the right.
Reduced Instruction Set Computing. A microprocessor design that focuses
on rapid and efficient processing of a relatively small set of instructions.
Read Only Memory. ROM is a more stable kind of memory than RAM.
Information stored in ROM is retained and can be retrieved each time the
machine is activated.
A 25-pin hardware interface which allows the transfer of data in an
asynchronous serial format. It has five user-defined parameters: baud rate,
data bits, parity, stop bits, and protocol.
A 9-pin hardware interface which allows the transfer of data in an
asynchronous serial format. It has five user-defined parameters: baud rate,
data bits, parity, stop bits, and protocol. The RS-422 interface uses paired
signals to send and receive data. The value of the data depends on the
difference in voltage between the paired signals rather than on an absolute
voltage as in the RS-232C interface. By transferring paired signals, it greatly
reduces the chances of interference from external sources during
transmission since external interference is likely to affect both signals
equally. This means that a system using RS-422 can have much longer
data cables than a system using RS-232C, which limits the cable length to
50 feet (15m).
Request To Send. RTS is a signal sent from the host to the printer indicating
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