8-Bit Microcontroller
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Product Specification (V1.5) 02.15.2007
(This specification is subject to change without further notice)
Fig. 8-13 Typical ERIC OSC Frequency vs. Temperature (Xin Pin)
There are four conditions or modes for the Operating Current ICC1 to ICC4. These
conditions are as follows:
ISB (Sleep Mode): Fm and Fs is stop, all function are off.
ICC1 (Idle Mode): Fm Stop and Fs=32kHz, two clocks, CPU off, LCD enable and WDT
ICC2 (Green Mode): Fm Stop and Fs=32kHz, two clocks, CPU running on Fs
frequency, LCD enable and WDT Enable
ICC3 (Normal Mode): Fm=4M Hz and Fs=32kHz, two clocks, CPU running on Fm
frequency, LCD enable and WDT Enable