8-Bit Microcontroller
Product Specification (V1.5) 02.15.2007
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(This specification is subject to change without further notice)
Bit 3 (CNT1S): Counter 1 clock source select 0/1 → Fs/ Fm*
Bits 2~0 (CNT1P2 ~ CNT1P20):
Counter 1 prescaler select bits
CNT1P2 CNT1P1 CNT1P0 Counter 1 Scale
0 0 0 1:2
0 0 1 1:4
0 1 0 1:8
0 1 1 1:16
1 0 0 1:32
1 0 1 1:64
1 1 0 1:128
1 1 1 1:256
6.2.17 IOCA1/HLPWTCR (High/Low Pulse Width Timer Control Register)
(Address: 0Ah, Bit 0 of R5 = “1”)
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Bit 7 (LPWTS): low-pulse width timer clock source select 0/1 → Fs/ Fm*
(*Fs: sub-oscillator clock, Fm: main-oscillator clock)
Bits 6~4 (LPWTP2~ LPWTP0): low-pulse width timer prescaler select bits
LPWTP2 LPWTP1 LPWTP0 Low-pulse Width Timer Scale
0 0 0 1:2
0 0 1 1:4
0 1 0 1:8
0 1 1 1:16
1 0 0 1:32
1 0 1 1:64
1 1 0 1:128
1 1 1 1:256
Bit 3 (HPWTS): high-pulse width timer clock source select 0/1 → Fs/ Fm*
Bits 2~0 (HPWTP2~ HPWTP0): high-pulse width timer prescaler select bits
HPWTP2 HPWTP1 HPWTP0 High-pulse Width Timer Scale
0 0 0 1:2
0 0 1 1:4
0 1 0 1:8
0 1 1 1:16
1 0 0 1:32
1 0 1 1:64
1 1 0 1:128
1 1 1 1:256