Verifying the Installation
Verifying the Installation
You can verify the LanProbe installation by looking at the status LEDs on the
front of the probe. After the LanProbe restarts (boots), it runs a power-on self-test
(POST) and then starts normal operations.
The Fault LED is briefly turned on (about three seconds) during the POST. After
LanProbe passes the POST, the Fault LED turns off. The Activity LED flashes
during network activity. The ~Line On or Power LED should be on to indicate that
power is applied to the probe.
After LanProbe has passed its self-tests, look at the status LEDs to verify your
installation. The status LEDs should be in the following states:
LED State
Activity Flashing, if connected to a network with traffic, or may
appear to stay on solid during periods of steady traffic.
~ Line On or Power On solid
Fault Off
Link On when attached to a 10Base-T network
Collision Off (or flashing if connected to a network with collisions)
You can use NetMetrix to verify that LanProbe can be reached (refer to your
NetMetrix documentation).