Download New Firmware
Xmodem Download of Firmware
If you selected a baud rate other than 9600, the message following the successful
download will not be displayed correctly. In this case, wait approximately 2
minutes before power cycling the probe to ensure that the new firmware is written
to FLASH memory correctly.
If your download was not successful, it is recommended that you repeat the
process using 9600 baud so that all error message will be displayed correctly.
After the download process is complete, LanProbe reboots and starts running the
new firmware.
If an error occurs during the download process, LanProbe returns to the Main
Menu without storing the new firmware to memory.
If you are using an HP workstation and LanProbe takes more than 90 seconds to
download new firmware and to restart (boot), verify that the workstation is setup
correctly, and restart inetd by entering and running the following commands at
the workstation:
ps -ef | grep inetd
/etc/inetd -k
If you are experiencing tftp transfer timeouts or read errors, use the following
procedure to verify that tftp is configured correctly on your unix workstation.
1. Verify tftpd functionality by copying the firmware file to another directory
using the tftp command.
a. cd/tmp
b. tftp
c. get ethsnmp.lp
d. quit
2. If the previous step fails, the problem is due to the tftpd configuration on the
unix server.