This book describes the 4690 Store System support for both the SCSI and the EIDE
tape drives.
Who Should Read This Manual
This book is intended for users who are familiar with hardware and software
installation procedures, and also with the concepts and facilities of the IBM 4690
OS Version 2 (hereafter called the operating system) and the IBM 4690 Store
How This Manual is Organized
This book contains 5 chapters. The following list briefly describes each chapter of
the book.
v “Chapter 1. Overview” on page 1 provides a general overview of the tape drives
including tape capacity and reliability information.
v “Chapter 2. Tape Drive Installation” on page 3 provides instructions on installing
the hardware and software for the tape drives.
v “Chapter 3. Using the Tape Drive” on page 13 provides operating instructions for
the tape drives.
v “Chapter 4. Tape Drive Specifications” on page 19 provides specifications and
requirements for the tape drive.
v “Chapter 5. Maintenance and Troubleshooting” on page 23 provides instructions
on performing maintenance on the tape drive. It also contains troubleshooting
Related Publications
A CD-ROM is available that contains the online books that are a part of the IBM
Store Systems Library Collection, SK2T-0331.
Store System Related Publications — Software
IBM 4690 Store System Library
IBM 4690 Store System: Touch Screen Support for 4690 OS Programming Guide,
IBM 4690 OS V2: Planning, Installation, and Configuration Guide, GC30-3984
IBM 4690 OS V2: Programming Guide, SC30-3987
IBM 4690 OS V2: User’s Guide, SC30-3983
IBM 4690 OS V2: Communications Programming Reference, SC30-3986
IBM 4690 OS V2: Messages Guide, SC30-3985
IBM 4680 Store System: Preparing Your Site, GA27-3692
IBM 4680 BASIC: Language Reference, SC30-3356
IBM 4680 Store System: Display Manager User’s Guide, SC30-3404
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