3. Locate the SCSI ID push switch on the back of the tape drive. Select the SCSI
ID for the drive by pressing the + or − button until the desired ID (0 through 7)
appears in the window.
Step 4. Completing the Installation
1. Check your SCSI bus cable connections.
2. Connect one end of the power cord to the connector on the back panel of the
tape drive then the other end to a convenient wall outlet. Turn the drive ON.
(The power switch is on the front panel of the tape drive.) Turn on the other
attached devices; then turn on the Store Controller.
Upgrading the Firmware
You may need to apply the latest firmware to both the Store Controller and the
tape drive.
Upgrading the Firmware for the Store Controller
In some cases, it may be necessary to upgrade the BIOS in the Store Controller so
that it will work with the tape drive. You can find the downloadable software to
upgrade the firmware for the Store Controller at
http://www.pc.ibm.com/us/files.html. Search on the model number of the Store
Controller to find all information relating to that model.
Upgrading the Firmware for the Tape Drive
If you have an early version of the tape drive hardware, you must apply the latest
firmware to the tape drive. To determine if you have an early version of the tape
drive, look for a chip on the tape drive with “WDC” written on it. If this chip is
present, your tape drive is an early version. If you do not upgrade the firmware,
the BIOS continues to give the errors 1762 and 162, and repeatedly takes you into
the Configuration/Setup Utility when the Store Controller is booted.
To upgrade the firmware for the tape drive:
1. Access the Internet web address: “http://www.pc.ibm.com/us/files.html”.
2. Click on “Search”.
3. Enter “tr4code” in the search field and click on “Search”.
4. Click on “tr4code.exe”.
5. Download the file to the subdirectory of your choice.
6. Click on “tr4code.txt” and follow the installation instructions provided in this
Note: You may want to print this document to facilitate the installation
Installing the Software
This section describes the how to enable the feature.
Chapter 2. Tape Drive Installation 11