
SurePOS 100 Technical Reference
Page 56 of 104
Mode of bar code (UPC-E, UPC-A, JAN/EAN-8, JAN/EAN-13, CODE 128, CODE 93)
Minimum module of 2 dots
Minimum module of 3 dots
Minimum module of 4 dots
Mode of barcode (Code 39, NW-7, ITF)
n3 Code 39 & NW-7 ITF
1 Narrow : wide 2:6 dots 2:5 dots
2 Narrow : wide 3:9 dots 4:10 dots
3 Narrow : wide 4:12 dots 6:15 dots
4 Narrow : wide 2:5 dots 2:4 dots
5 Narrow : wide 3:8 dots 4:8 dots
6 Narrow : wide 4:10 dots 6:12 dots
7 Narrow : wide 2:4 dots 2:6 dots
8 Narrow : wide 3:6 dots 3:9 dots
9 Narrow : wide 4:8 dots 4:12 dots
When the value of n3 is UPC-E, UPC-A, JAN/EAN-8, JAN/EAN-13, Code 128 or Code 93, 1(01h) to
3(03h) or "1"(31h) to "3"(33h) can be set. When the value of n3 is CODE 39, NW-7 or ITF, 1(01h) to
9(09h) or "1"(31h) to "9"(39h) can be set.
n4 Height of Bar Code:
The height of the bar code can be up to 255 dots (31.9 mm /.1.256 in. ). If the bar code is higher than
the line feed amount, the line feed amount is automatically multiplied by an integer.
Bar code data
UPC-E/UPC-A: K = 11 (or 12)
The check digit at the 12th digit is automatically added, and ignored even if it is specified.
JAN/EAN-8: K = 7 (or 8)
The check digit at the 8th digit is automatically added, and ignored even if it is specified.
JAN/EAN-13: K = 12 (or 13)
The check digit at the 13th digit is automatically added, and ignored even if it is specified.
CODE 39:
The value of k is optional, and the maximum value also differs according to the modes (21 digits maximum in
mode 7). The start/stop code (" * ") is automatically added.
The value of k is optional, and the maximum value also differs according to the modes (40 digits maximum in
mode 4). If the data is number of an odd digits, 0 is automatically added at the beginning of the data.
Code 128:
The value of k is optional, and the maximum value also differs according to the modes and the types of character
number (51 digits maximum in mode 1). The check character is automatically added.
CODE 93:
The value of k is optional, and the maximum value also differs according to the modes and the types of character
(30 digits maximum in mode 1). The check characters (C and K) are automatically added.
The value of k is optional, and the maximum value also differs according to the modes and the types of character
number (29 digits maximum in mode 7). The start/stop code is also contained in the data (it is not automatically
The bar code printing start position is at the upper end of the current line. If the bar code is
positioned beyond the right margin, neither the bar code nor the character below the bar code
will be printed.
Data of CODE 128 and CODE 93
When is used in a command, some kinds of control code cannot be sent by the host PC. The control code should
be sent as the data as shown below: