SurePOS 100 Technical Reference
Page 47 of 104
Set left margin
"l" n (l = lowercase L)
1Bh 6Ch n
Definition Range:
0 <= n <= (right margin - 2) (Impact Printer)
0 <= n <= (right margin - 2) (Thermal printer)
Sets the left margin at column n in the current character pitch. The left margin does not move if the character pitch
is changed later. For the impact printer, the left margin must be at least two columns to the left of the right margin
and within the limits above. For the thermal printer, the left margin must allow a line length of at least 36 mm,
otherwise the command is ignored.
Set right margin
"Q" n
1Bh 51h n
Definition Range:
2 <= n <= (maximum number of print columns) - (Impact Printer)
1 <= n <= 255 (maximum number of print columns) - (Thermal Printer)
Sets the right margin at column n in the current character pitch. Column n becomes the last character position of
the line. The right margin does not move if the character pitch is changed later. For the impact printer, the right
margin must be at least two columns to the right of the left margin and within the limits above. For the thermal
printer, the right margin must allow a line length of at least 36 mm, otherwise the command is ignored.
Execute horizontal tab.
The print position skips to the next horizontal tab position in line. When no horizontal tab position is set, this code
is ignored. (Underlining and overlining do not take place in the spaces between characters set with the horizontal
tab function.)
Set horizontal tab position