
Chapter 2. SureMark printer service manual supplement
This chapter supplements the
IBM 4610 SureMark Printers: Hardware Service
Manual, GY27-0355
Electrostatic discharge
Attention: Electrostatic discharge (ESD) damage can occur when there is a
difference in charge between the part, the product, and the service person. No
damage occurs if the service person and the part being installed are at the same
charge level as the product.
ESD damage prevention
Whenever a service action involves physical contact with logic cards, modules,
back-panel pins, or other ESD-sensitive (ESDS) parts, the service person must be
connected to an ESD common ground point on the product through the ESD wrist
strap and cord.
The ESD ground clip can be attached to any frame ground, ground braid, green
wire ground, or the round ground prong on the AC power plug. Coax or connector
outside shells can also be used.
Handling removed cards
Logic cards removed from a product must be placed in ESD protective containers.
No other object should be allowed inside the ESD container with the logic card.
Attach all tags or reports that must accompany the card to the outside of the ESD
Removal and replacement procedures
This section includes removal and replacement procedures specific to the 4610
fiscal printer:
v Fiscal interface assembly
v Top cover
v Fiscal processor card
v Fiscal interface card
v Memory card
v CompactFlash card assembly
v CompactFlash card
(GY27-0366) April 3, 2003
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2002, 2003 5