Before You Begin
What You Will Find in This Manual
This table summarizes the information in each chapter and appendix.
Chapter Summary
1 Introduces the Trakker Antares 2430 and 2435 hand-held terminals and their
features. Also describes the batteries, memory, drives, and input devices.
2 Describes the different methods that you can use to configure the 243X and its
memory and drives. Also explains how to configure the terminal using the
TRAKKER Antares 2400 Menu System and the clone application.
3 Describes how to install and configure the 243X in a serial or RF network. Also
explains how the 243X fits into a particular network and how to use serial or
network communications.
4 Lists problems you may encounter while using the terminal and provides some
possible solutions. Also describes how to boot or reset the terminal and clean
the scanner window and terminal screen.
A Lists the Trakker Antares 243X terminal’s specifications.
This manual explains how to use the features and options available on the 243X. For
more detailed information about configuring, operating, and programming the 243X,
see the Trakker Antares 2400 Family System Manual (Part No. 071389).
For additional help using terminal emulation, see the appropriate TE 2000 manual:
TE 2000 5250 Terminal Emulation Programmer’s Guide (Part No. 977-055-004)
TE 2000 3270 Terminal Emulation Programmer’s Guide (Part No. 977-055-003)
TE 2000 VT/ANSI Terminal Emulation Programmer’s Guide (Part No.
For additional help using dcBrowser, see the documentation that ships with your
DCS 30X or dcBrowser gateway software.
You should be aware of how these terms are being used in this manual:
Term Description
DCS 300 and Model
200 Controller
The DCS 300 is a data collection server that replaced the Model 200
Controller. The 2435 can communicate with either the DCS 300 or
the Model 200 Controller. Unless otherwise noted, you can use either
the DCS 300 or the Model 200 Controller.
DCS 30X DCS 30X refers to the DCS 300, the DCS 301, and the DCS 302 data
collection servers. The term DCS 30X is used throughout this manual.
Unless otherwise noted, you can use either the DCS 300, the
DCS 301, or the DCS 302.