Learning About the Terminal
Network Transmit This icon turns on when data is buffered in the RF network
interface. The data is either waiting to be transmitted to the DCS 30X or host, or
received data has not been accepted by the application on the 2435. When no data is
being buffered in the interface, the Network Transmit icon is off.
Modifier Key This icon indicates that one of the modifier keys, such as , is
enabled. When you press another key, the key combination is available to the
application. The Modifier icon turns off unless the second key that you pressed is
another modifier key that is different from the first one that you pressed.
Caps Lock This icon turns on when you press to enable the Caps Lock
feature. When you press again to disable Caps Lock, the icon turns off.
If Caps Lock is enabled, this icon remains on until you disable Caps Lock.
User Defined This icon is user defined. You can program this icon to turn on and off
for any task or error within your application.
Learning About the Audio Signals
The terminal has a beeper that provides you with audio feedback as you use the
terminal. For example, you hear a beep tone each time you enter or scan a valid
command. You can change the beep volume and the beep duration to meet the needs
of your working environment.
When you change the beep volume, you also change the keyclick volume if the Keypad
Clicker command is enabled. The keyclick is the sound that you hear when you press a
key on the terminal.
There are three ways to change the beep volume:
Press . Each time you press , the beep volume becomes one level
louder. There are five beep volume levels including off. If the volume is at the
loudest level and you press , the beep volume is turned off. If you press
again, the volume changes to the quietest level.
When you use the keypad to change the beep and keyclick volume, the
changes are not saved permanently in flash memory. You can save the changes in
flash memory later. For help, see “Exiting Screens and Saving Changes” in
Chapter 2.
Use the TRAKKER Antares 2400 Menu System. From the Main Menu, choose
Configuration Menu, then Terminal Menu, and then Beeper.
Use the Beep Volume command. For help, see “Beep Volume” in Chapter 6 of the
2400 Family system manual.