...—.-—.”..-..—. ...——.——.——
(on all models exceptthosewith
Wlithproper ccare,the porcelain
enamel interior willretain its
attractive finish for many
Soap antiwater will normallydo
thejob. Heavy spatteringor
spilloversmay require cleaning
with a mild abrasive cleanser.
pads may ~lSO be used.
Do not allow food spillswith a
high sugar or acid content(such aS
milk, tomatoes, sauerkraut,fruit
juices or pie filling)to remain on
the surface. They may cause dull
spots even after cleaning.
Household ammonia may make the
cleaningjob easier. Place 1/2cup
ammonia in a shallowglass and
leave in a cold oven overnight.The
ammonia fumes will help loosen
the burned-on grease and food.
If necessary. you may use a caustic
cleaner. Follow the package
Be careful where the oven cleaner
is sprayed.
@Do not spray oven cleaner on the
electrical controls and switches (on
models so equipped) because it
could cause a short circuit and
result in sparking or fire.
*FJ4JIIOtallow a film from the
cleaner to remain on the temperature
sensing bulb—it could cause the
(Jvento heat improperly, (The bulb
is located at the rear of the oven.)
carefully wipe the
c]ct]ning,being careful
not to move (he bulb as a change
i[liis position coLIldaffect how
the oven bakes.
) ,.”,
.—.—— -----
Q-. ..
,..--.—-—-— --- ———- ———-
The Continuous-CleaningOveIl
cleansitself while c[)ol~ing.The
oven walls carefinishedwith a
specialcoating thatcannot be
cleaned in the usualmanner with
soap,detergents, steelwool pads,
commercial oven cleaners,coarse
abrasive pads or coarse brushes.
Use of such cleansersand/or the
use of oven sprayswill cause
permanent damage.
The special coating is a porous
ceramic material~ which is dark in
color and feels slightlyrough to
the touch. If magnified, the surface
would appear as peaks, valleys and
sub-sulfate “tunnels.” This rough
finish tends to prevent grease
spatters from forming little beads
or droplets that run down the side
walls of a hard-surface oven liner,
leaving unsightly streaks that
require hand cleaning. Instead,
when spatter hits the porous finish,
it is dispersed and partially
absorbed. This spreading action
increases the exposure of oven
soil to heated air and makes it
somewhat less noticeable.
Soilmay not disappear completely
and at some time after extended
usage, stains may appear that
cannot be removed.
coatingworks best
011Snlall anloullts of Spatter.It
does not work well with larger
spills, especially sugars, egg or
dairy mixtures.
‘Thisspecial Coating is not used
011oven sileIves9oven bottom or
door !iller. Remove these to clean
Jvitha commercial oven cleaner to
prevent damaging the Continuous-
Cleaning Oven coating.
10Lci r:]n~’eoarts cool before
“l: r~~c{>inmendrubber
hiindling. iJl~ #
2. Remove shelvesandcookware. -~- ----
3. Soilvisibility
mayberedtlcedbY ‘-~”-” ~~
operatingthe oven at4~~°F.Close
@thedoorandturnOWN CON~OL :
knobtoWO”F.Timefor at least four
hours. Repeatedcycles may be
necessao’before improvementin
appearanceis apparent.
Remember: During the
operation of the oven~the door
and other range surfaceswill get
hot enough to cause burns. Do
not touch. Let the range cool
before replacing ovenshelves.
4. If a spilloveror heavy soiling
occurs on the porous surface, as
soon as the oven has cooled,
remove as much of the soil as
possible using a small amount of
water and a stiff-bristlenylon
brush. Use water sparingly and
change it frequently,keeping it as
clean as possible, and be sure to
blot it up with paper towels, cloths
or sponges.Do Ilot~-~~bOrscrLlb
with paper towels, cloths or
sponges, since they will leave
unsightly lint on the oven finish.
If water leaves a white ring on the
finish as it dries, apply water again
and blot it with a clean sponge,
starting at the edge of the ring and
working toward the center.
notuse soap, detergent,
steel wool pads9
oven clea12eY9siliconeQvell
sprays,Coarsepads or Coarse
brushes on the porous surface,
These products will spot, clog
and mar the porous surface and
reduce its ability to work.
Do not scrape the poToEls
si~~facewitlI a lcnifeor spatula-—
they could permanently damage
the finish.
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