Roastingis cookingby dry heat.
Tendermeator poultry can be
roasted uncoveredin youroven.
shouldbe low and steady,keep
spatteringto a minimum. When
roasting,it is not necessary to
sear,baste, cover or add water to
your meat.
The oven has a special low shelf
(R) positionjust above the oven
bottom. Use it when extra cooking
space is needed, for example,
when roasting a large turkey.The
shelf is not designed to slide out
at this position.
Roasting is easy;just follow
these steps:
Step 1: Position oven shelf at (B)
position for small size roast
(3 to 5 lbs.) and at (R) position
for larger roasts.
Step 2: Check weight of roast.
Place meat fat-side-up or poultry
breast-side-up on roa~ting-rackin a
shallow pan. The melting fat will
baste the
rnrat.Select a pan as
c~f]seto the size of meat as
p{~ssiblc.(Brtliler pan with rack
is a good pan for this.)
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step 3: TurnOVEN CONTROL
lcnobto desiredtemperature.
Check the RoastingGuide for
temperaturesand approximate
cooking times.
Step 4: Most meats continueto
cook slightly while standingafter
being removed from the oven.
Recommended standingtime for
roasts is 10to 20 minutes. This
allows roasts to firm up and makes
them easier to carve, Internal
temperature will rise about 5° to
10°F.If you wish to compensate
for temperature rise,remove the
roast from the oven when its
internal temperature is 5° to 10°F.
less than temperature shown in the
Roasting Guide.
Remember that food will continue
to cook in the hot oven and
therefore should be removed when
the desired internal temperature
has been reached.
Frozen Roasts
*Frozen roasts of beef, pork,
lamb, etc., can be startedwithout
thawing,but allow 15to 25
minutesper pound additionaltime
(15 minutesper pound for roasts
under 5 pounds,more time for
Thawmostfrozen poult~ before
roasting to ensureeven doneness.
Some commercialfrozen poultry
can be cooked successfullywithout
thawing. Followdirectionsgiven
on package label.
Dual shelfcooking
Thisallowsmore than one food
to be cooked at the same time. For
example: While roasting a 20-lb.
turkey on shelf positionR, a
second shelf (if so equipped) may
be added on positionD so that
scalloped potatoescan be cooked
totalcookingtimeto enableboth
of additionalcooktimeforthe