
If the sink is 34 or higher from the floor, the excesswater in Unicouple hoses
cannot be drained directly into the sink. It will be necessary to drain excess
water from hoses into a bowl or suitable container that is heldoutside and lower
than the sink.
Connect the cold watersupplyhosetoathreaded3/4(inch) connectorand make sure thatit is
fastened tightly in place.
If thewater pipes are new or have not been used for an extended period of time,letthe water
run to make surethatthe wateris clearand free of impurities. Ifthisprecautionis not taken,
thereis a risk that the water inlet can get blocked anddamage theappliance.
The watersupply to the appliance canalsobe connectedto the house hot waterline
(centralized system, heatingsystem),as long as it doesnot exceed a temperature of 60 C.
In this case, the wash cycle time will be shortened by about 15 minutes and thewash
efficiencyslightly reduced.
The connection must be made to the hot water line following the same procedures asthose
forthe connectionto thecold water line.
Connector of Modelâ…¡
Insert the drain hose intoa drain pipewitha minimum diameter of4 cm, orlet itrunintothesink,makingsuretoavoidbending
or crimpingit.Use the special plasticsupport that comes withthe appliance. The free end of the hose must beat a height
between 40 and 100cm and must not be immersed in water.
Oncethe applianceis positioned,adjust the feet (screwing them in orout) to adjust the
height of the dishwasher, making it level.In any case ,the applianceshould notbeinclined
more than 2 .
Position the appliance inthe desired location. Theback should rest against the wallbehindit, andthe sides, along the adjacent
cabinets or wall. Thedishwasher isequippedwith water supplyand drainhoses that canbe positioned to the rightor theleft to
facilitate properinstallation.