Never use aspray cleanertoclean the door panel for itcould damage the door lock and electrical components. It is not allowed
tousetheabrasiveagentorsomepaper towel becauseoftherisk of scratching or leaving spots on the stainless steel surface.
To clean the edgearound the door, you should use only a soft warm,damp rag. Toprevent
penetration of water into thedoor lock andelectrical components, do not use a spray cleaner
of any kind.
Also, neveruse abrasive cleaners or scouring padsonthe outer surfaces because they will
scratchthe finish. Some papers towels can alsoscratch or leavemarkson thesurface.
Somethingwilloccasionallymoveinto the filters andthedrain pump.If this occurs,the drain
pumpsemployed in yourdishwashersare designedto automatically reverse, ejecting the
item back into the sump area or down the drain. If you have toremovean obstacle from the
drain pump, before you remove the filters,you should turn offthepower; Thenremovethe
small black insert from the sumparea. (Youmight want to remove any standingwaterfirst).
Scoop out the item that isprobably inthe sumparea andcauses the obstruction. Remember
toreplace the black insertbefore you put the filtersbackin.
After every wash, turn offthe watersupply to the
appliance and leave the door slightly ajar so that
moistureand odors arenot trapped inside.
Before cleaning or performing maintenance, always
remove the plug from the socket. Do not run risks.
Toclean the exterior andrubber parts of thedishwasher,
do not use solventsor abrasive cleaningproducts.
Rather, useonlya cloth and warmsoapywater.
Toremovespotsor stains fromthe surfaceof the
interior,use a cloth dampenedwithwater anda little
white vinegar, or a cleaning product made specifically
for dishwashers.
When yougo onholiday,it is recommened that you runa
wash cycle with thedishwasher emptyand then remove
the plugfrom the socket, turnoffthe watersupplyand
leavethe door of theappliance slightly ajar.Thiswill help
the seals last longerand prevent odorsfrom forming
within the appliance.
If theappliance must be moved,try tokeep it in thevertical
position.If absolutely necessary, it can bepositioned on
its back.
One of the factors that causeodors to form in the
dishwasherisfood that remains trappedinthe seals.
Periodic cleaningwith a dampsponge will prevent this
from occurring.