
Rev 5, April/2003 10521I05.TDC Page A-13
93 drift checksum
sum for drift bytes, excluding the direction character. Example: The sum for "41L" would be "5"
94-98 rate of change of PALT (feet/minute)
ASCII-coded decimal format with a sign character. Example: A PALT rate of change of -210
ft/min (descent), would be "0120-" (30H, 31H, 32H, 30H, 2DH).
99 rate of change of PALT checksum
Sum for PALT rate of change bytes, excluding the sign character, as for PALT.
100-102 magnetic heading (degrees from magnetic north)
ASCII-coded decimal format, as for wind direction.
103 magnetic heading checksum
sum for magnetic heading bytes, as for IAS.
104-106 static air temperature (°C)
ASCII-coded decimal format with a sign character. Example: A static air temperature of -2°C
would be sent as "20-".
107 static air temperature checksum
Sum for static air temperature bytes, excluding the sign character, as for PALT.
108 ETX (ASCII code 03H)
This 108 byte record shall be transmitted every 1.6 sec ;.16 sec. If data is invalid or unavailable,
the field will be filled with dashes.
Format D
A 121 byte ASCII string shall be transmitted. Bytes 1 through 107 shall be the same as Format C,
except that bytes 3 through 9 shall be filled with asterisks if total fuel remaining is not available
and consequently must be entered through the KLN 90B. The remaining bytes shall be defined as
follows. (If valid data for a particular data item is received both on this bus and on an ARINC 429
input, the ARINC 429 data shall be used, and the RS-232 data shall be ignored.)
Byte Data
108-112 barometric setting (Inches HG)
ASCII-coded decimal format (least significant digit is hundredth of inches), LSB first.
Example: A barometric setting of 29.83 inches hg would be sent as "38.92"(33H, 38H, 2EH,
39H, 32H).
113 barometric setting checksum
Break each decimal value into its BCD representation. Using BCD arithmetic, sum the
4 BCD values and convert the low-order BCD digit to an ASCII coded numeric digit.
Example: The checksum for a value of 29.83 would be "2" (32H).
114-119 baro-corrected altitude (feet)
ASCII-coded decimal format with a sign character.
Example: A baro-corrected altitude of +11000 ft, would be "00011+" (30H, 30H, 30H, 31H,
120 baro-corrected altitude checksum
Sum for baro-corrected altitude, excluding sign character, as for pressure altitude.
121 ETX (ASCII code 03H)