
Rev 5, April/2003 10521I05.TDC Page A-11
ASCII-coded decimal format (least significant digit is tenths), LSB first. Example: A fuel remaining
value of 543.2 would be sent as "2.3450" (32H, 2EH, 33H, 34H, 35H, 30H).
9 Total Fuel Remaining Checksum
Break each decimal value into its BCD representation. Using BCD arithmetic, sum the 4 BCD val-
ues and convert the low-order BCD digit to an ASCII coded numeric digit. Example: The checksum
for a value of 543.2 would be "4" (34H).
10-15 Total Fuel Flow Rate
ASCII-coded decimal format as for Total Fuel Remaining.
16 Total Fuel Flow Rate Checksum
Sum of fuel flow bytes computed as for Total Fuel Remaining.
17-22 Engine One Fuel Flow Rate
ASCII-coded decimal format as for Total Fuel Remaining.
23 Engine One Fuel Flow Rate Checksum
Sum of Left Engine Fuel Flow Rate bytes computed as for Total Fuel Remaining.
24-29 Engine Two Fuel Flow Rate
ASCII-coded decimal format as for Total Fuel Remaining.
30 Engine Two Fuel Flow Rate Checksum
Sum of Right Engine Fuel Flow Rate bytes computed as for Total Fuel Remaining.
31-36 Total Fuel Used
ASCII-coded decimal format as for Total Fuel Remaining.
37 Total Fuel Used Checksum
Sum of Total Fuel Used bytes computed as for Total Fuel Remaining.
38-43 Engine One Fuel Used
ASCII-coded decimal format as for Total Fuel Remaining.
44 Engine One Fuel Used Checksum
Sum of Left Engine Fuel Used bytes computed as for Total Fuel Remaining.
45-50 Engine Two Fuel Used
ASCII-coded decimal format as for Total Fuel Remaining.
51 Engine Two Fuel Used Checksum
Sum of Right Engine Fuel Used bytes computed as for Total Fuel Remaining.
52 ETX (ASCII code 03 hex)
This 52 byte record shall be transmitted every 1.6 sec $.16 sec.
In the case of single engine aircraft, all Engine One and Engine Two data (including checksums)
shall be asterisks (ASCII code 2A hex).
Format C
A 108 byte ASCII string shall be transmitted. Bytes 1 through 51 shall be the same as format B,
described above except that in the Units of Measure field, "I = Imperial Gallons" is undefined. The
remaining bytes shall be defined as follows. (If valid data for a particular data item is received both
on this bus and on an ARINC 429 input, the ARINC 429 data shall be used, and the RS-232 data
shall be ignored.)