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MSI Check Digit Algorithm
With MSI symbols, one check digit is mandatory and always verified by the reader. The second check digit is optional.
If the MSI codes include two check digits, scan the Two MSI Check Digits bar code to enable verification of the second
check digit.
When the “Two MSI Check Digits” option is selected, an additional verification is required to ensure integrity. Either of the
two following algorithms may be selected.
Set this parameter by scanning either of the bar codes shown below.
Postal Codes
Note: The default value for all Postal Code symbologies is “Enabled.” For best performance when reading a specific postal
symbology, all other postal symbologies should be disabled.
US Postnet
To enable or disable US Postnet, scan the appropriate bar code:
Mod 10/Mod 11
MSI Check Digit Algorithm
* Mod 10/Mod 10
MSI Check Digit Algorithm
* Enable US Postnet
Disable US Postnet