
EN Unit of Measure Command 4-13
Unit of Measure Command
The Unit of Measure command establishes the unit of measure for
PCL Unit cursor movements.
? & u # D
# =Number of units-per-inch
Default = 300
Range = 96, 100, 120, 144, 150, 160, 180, 200, 225, 240, 288, 300, 360,
400, 450, 480, 600, 720, 800, 900, 1200, 1440, 1800, 2400, 3600,
The value field defines the number of units-per-inch used in the
following commands:
z Vertical Cursor Position (PCL Units).
z Horizontal Cursor Position (PCL Units).
z Vertical Rectangle Size (PCL Units).
z Horizontal Rectangle Size (PCL Units).
In addition, the current unit of measure setting affects the HMI setting,
which in turn determines how cursor movement values are rounded.
This affects the result of the following commands:
z Horizontal Cursor Position (Columns).
z Horizontal Tab (HT control code).
z Space (SP control code).
z Backspace (BS control code).
z Bitmap Character Delta X (“Delta X (SI),” Chapter 11).
For example, if the unit of measure is set to 96 (one PCL Unit = 1/96
inch), then the HMI is rounded to the nearest 1/96 inch. If the unit of
measure is set to 300 (one PCL Unit = 1/300 inch), the HMI is
rounded to the nearest 1/300 inch.
Note HMI is set either as a result of font selection or through the use of
the HMI command. The rounding behavior just described only applies
when the HMI is at its default setting (derived from the currently
selected font). If the HMI Command was used to override the HMI
setting, the rounding behavior described above does not apply.
(See “Horizontal Motion Index (HMI) Command” in Chapter 5 for more