11-64 Soft Font Creation EN
Character Intellifont Data Offset (SI)
The offset to the Character Intellifont Data relative to the address of
the Contour Data Size field.
Contour Tree Offset (SI)
The offset to the contour Tree Data relative to the address of the
Contour Data Size field.
XY Data Offset (SI)
The offset to the XY data relative to the address of the Contour Data
Size field.
Metric Data
For information about Metric Data refer to the Intellifont Scalable
Typeface For mat document.
Character Intellifont Scalable Data
For information about Character Intellifont Scalable Data, refer to
Intellifont Scalable Typeface Format.
Contour Tree Data
For information about Contour Tree Data, refer to Intellifont Scalable
Typeface For mat.
XY Coordinate Data
For information about XY Coordinate Data, refer to Intellifont Scalable
Typeface For mat.
Note For information on obtaining the Intellifont Scalable Typeface Format
document, refer to Related Documents in the front of this manual.
This is a checksum of all the contour character data. The checksum
value is contained only in the last character data block.