Chapter 10—Use Hewlett-Packard’s support services 41
HP OfficeJet K Series
HP Distribution Center
To order HP OfficeJet software, a copy of the printed Basic Guide, a Setup Poster, or other customer-replaceable
parts, call the appropriate number.
• In the U.S. or Canada, dial (661) 257-5565.
• In Europe, dial +49 180 5 290220 (Germany) or +44 870 606 9081 (U.K.).
To order HP OfficeJet software, call the phone number for your country/region.
Italy 022-641-0350 Venezuela (Caracas) 207-8488
Jordan +971 4 883 8454 Vietnam 84-8-823-4530
Korea +82 (2) 3270 0700 Yemen +971 4 883 8454
Country/Region Number for ordering
U.S. (661) 257-5565
Argentina 541 14 778-8380
Asia 65 740 4477
Australia/New Zealand 61 3 8877 8000
Brazil 55-11-829-6612
Chile 800 360999
Europe +49 180 5 290220
Europe +44 870 606 9081
South Africa +27 (0)11 8061030
Mexico 01 800 4726684
Venezuela 800 47 888
Venezuela (Caracas) 207 8488
Country/Region HP Technical Support Country/Region HP Technical Support
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