40 Chapter 10—Use Hewlett-Packard’s support services
HP OfficeJet K Series
Call in the U.S. post-warranty
If your product is not under warranty, you can call (800) 999-1148. A per-call, out-of-warranty support fee will be
charged to your credit card. You can also call (900) 555-1500 ($2.50 per minute) from 6:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. MST
and Saturdays from 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. MST. Charges begin only when you are connected with a support
technician. (Prices and hours are subject to change without notice.)
Call elsewhere in the world
The numbers listed below are current as of the printing date of this guide. For a list of current international
HP Support Service numbers, visit this address:
For Korea, you can also visit this address:
You can call the HP support center in the following countries/regions. If your country/region is not listed, contact
your local dealer or nearest HP Sales and Support Office to find out how to obtain services.
Support service is free during the warranty period; however, your standard long-distance phone charges will
apply. In some cases, a flat fee per single incident will also apply.
Country/Region HP Technical Support Country/Region HP Technical Support
U.S. during warranty (208) 323-2551 Kuwait +971 4 883 8454
U.S. post-warranty
(per-call charge)
(800) 999-1148 Lebanon +971 4 883 8454
U.S. post-warranty
(per-minute charge)
(900) 555-1500 Malaysia 03-2952566
Argentina 541 14 778-8380 Mexico 01-800-472-6684
Australia +61-3-8877-8000 Netherlands 020-606-8751
Austria 0660-6386 New Zealand (09) 356 6640
Bahrain +971 4 883 8454 Norway 22-11-6299
Belgium (Dutch) 02-626-8806 Oman +971 4 883 8454
Belgium (French) 02-626-8807 Palestine +971 4 883 8454
Brazil 55-11-829-6612 Philippines 632-867-3551
Canada during warranty (905) 206-4663 Poland 022-375065
Canada post-warranty
(per-call charge)
1-877-621-4722 Portugal 01-3180065
Chile 800-360-999 Qatar +971 4 883 8454
Czech Republic 420 2 61307 310 Russia 095-9235001
Denmark 39-29-4099 Saudi Arabia +971 4 883 8454
Europe (English) +44-171-512-5202 Singapore 2725300
Egypt +971 4 883 8454 South Africa (RSA) 011-8061030
Finland 02-03-47-288 Spain 902-321-123
France 01-43-623-434 Sweden 08-619-2170
Germany 0180-525-8143 Switzerland (French) 084-880-1111
Greece 01-6896411 Switzerland (German) 084-880-1111
Hong Kong 800-96-7729 Taiwan 886-2-2717-0055
Hungary 01-2524505 Thailand 662-661-4011
India 91-11-682-6035 Turkey 01-2245925
Indonesia 62-21-350-3408 United Arab Emirates +971 4 883 8454
Ireland 01-662-5525 United Kingdom 0171-512-5202
Israel 09-9524848 Venezuela 800-47-888
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