user privilege level 3
2. Example of using the exclude keyword
# Display the non-direct routes in the routing table (the output depends on the current configuration).
<Sysname> display ip routing-table | exclude Direct
Routing Tables: Public
Destination/Mask Proto Pre Cost NextHop Interface Static 60 0 Vlan1
3. Example of using the include keyword
# Display the route entries that contain Vlan in the routing table (the output depends on the current
<Sysname> display ip routing-table | include Vlan
Routing Tables: Public
Destination/Mask Proto Pre Cost NextHop Interface Direct 0 0 Vlan999
Configuring user privilege and command levels
To avoid unauthorized access, the switch defines user privilege levels and command levels. User privilege
levels correspond to command levels. When a user at a specific privilege level logs in, the user can only
use commands at that level or lower levels.
All the commands are categorized into four levels: visit, monitor, system, and manage, and are identified
from low to high, respectively by 0 through 3. Table 5 describes the command levels.
Table 5 Default command levels
Level Privilege Description
0 Visit
Involves commands for network diagnosis and accessing an external device.
Command configuration at this level cannot survive a device restart. Upon device
restart, the commands at this level will be restored to the default settings.
Commands at this level include ping, tracert, telnet and ssh2.
1 Monitor
Involves commands for system maintenance and service fault diagnosis.
Commands at this level are not allowed to be saved after being configured. After
the switch is restarted, the commands at this level will be restored to the default
Commands at this level include debugging, terminal, refresh, reset, and send.
2 System
Involves service configuration commands, such as routing configuration
commands and commands for configuring services at different network levels.
By default, commands at this level include all configuration commands except for
those at the manage level.