To do… Use the command… Remarks
Enter system view system-view —
Enable displaying the copyright
copyright-info enable
Enabled by default.
Configuring banners
Introduction to banners
Banners are messages that the system displays when a user connects to the device to perform login
authentication, and start interactive configuration.
Banner types
You can configure the following types of banners:
• Legal banner appears after the system displays the copyright or license statement for a user
attempting to log in. To continue authentication or login, the user must enter Y or press Enter. To quit
the process, the user must enter N. Y and N are case insensitive.
• Message of the Day (MOTD) banner displays the greeting message, and appears after the legal
banner and before the login banner.
• Login banner appears only when password or scheme login authentication has been configured.
• Incoming banner appears for Modem dial-in users and the shell banner appears for users that use
any other access method to access the CLI.
Message input modes
The system supports single-line input mode and multiple-line input mode for configuring a banner.
1. Single-line input
In single-line input mode, all banner information comes after the command keywords in the same line.
The start and end characters of the input text must be the same but are not part of the banner information.
In this case, the input text, together with the command keywords, cannot exceed 510 characters.
2. Multiple-line input
In multiple-line input mode, all the banner information is input in multiple lines by pressing the Enter key.
In this case, up to 2000 characters can be input.
Multi-line input mode can be achieved in the following methods:
• Method I—Press the Enter key directly after the command keywords, type the banner information,
and end with the % character. The Enter and % characters are not part of the banner information.
• Method II—Type a character after the command keywords at the first line, and then press the Enter
key. Type the banner information, and end with the character you type at the first line. The character
at the first line and the end character are not part of the banner information.
• Method III—Type multiple characters after the command keywords at the first line—with the first and
last characters being different, and then press the Enter key. Type the banner information, and end
with the first character you type at the first line. The first input character at the first line and the end
character are not part of the banner information.