Table 9 Configuration when the device serves as the FTP server
Device Configuration Remarks
Enable the FTP server function
Disabled by default.
You can use the display ftp-server command to view the
FTP server configuration on the device.
Configure authentication and
Configure the username, password, and authorized
directory for an FTP user.
The device does not support anonymous FTP for security
reasons. You must set a valid username and password.
By default, authenticated users can access the root
directory of the device.
Device (FTP
Configure the FTP server
operating parameters
Parameters such as the FTP connection timeout time
PC (FTP client)
Use the FTP client program to log
in to the FTP server.
You can log in to the FTP server only after you input the
correct FTP username and password.
• Make sure that the FTP server and the FTP client can reach each other before establishing the FTP
• When you use IE to log in to the device serving as the FTP server, some FTP functions are not available.
This is because multiple connections are established during the login process but the device supports
only one connection at a time.
Configuring the FTP client
Only manage level users can use the ftp command to log in to an FTP server, enter FTP client view, and
execute directory and file related commands. However, whether the commands can be executed
successfully depends on the FTP server authorizations.
Establishing an FTP connection
Before you can access the FTP server, you must first establish a connection from the FTP client to the FTP
server. You can either use the ftp command to establish the connection directly or use the open command
in FTP client view to establish the connection.
When using the ftp command, you can specify the source interface (such as a loopback) or source IP
address. The primary IP address of the specified source interface or the specified source IP address is
used as the source IP address of sent FTP packets. The source address of the transmitted packets is
selected following these rules:
• If no source address is specified, the FTP client uses the interface’s IP address determined by the
matched route as the source IP address to communicate with an FTP server.
• If the source address is specified with the ftp client source or ftp command, this source address is
used to communicate with an FTP server.