To do… Use the command… Remarks
Activate the specified patches
patch active patch-number slot
• After you activate a patch, the
patch takes effect and is in the
test-run stage. After the switch is
reset or rebooted, the patch
becomes invalid.
• If you find that an ACTIVE patch
is of some problem, reboot the
switch to deactivate the patch,
so as to avoid a series of
running faults resulting from
patch error.
Confirm the running of the
specified patches
patch run patch-number [ slot
slot-number ]
After you confirm the running of a
patch, the patch state becomes
RUNNING, and the patch is in the
normal running stage. After the
switch is reset or rebooted, the
patch is still valid.
• Set the file transfer mode to binary mode before using FTP or TFTP to upload/download patch files
to/from the Flash of the switch. Otherwise, patch file cannot be parsed properly.
• This operation is applicable to patches in the ACTIVE state only.
Step-by-step patch uninstallation
Follow these steps to stop running patches:
To do… Use the command… Remarks
Enter system view system-view —
Stop running the specified patches
patch deactive patch-number slot
When you stop running a patch,
the patch state becomes
DEACTIVE, and the system runs in
the way before it is installed with
the patch.
Delete the specified patches from
the memory patch area
patch delete patch-number slot
Deleting patches only removes the
patches from the memory patch
area, and does not delete them
from the storage medium. The
patches turn to the IDLE state after
this operation. After a patch is
deleted, the system runs in the way
it did before the patch was