Interface Information
Centronics Compatible Signals
Pin Direction Signal Description
1 To printer STROBE L STROBE pulse low to read data
A strobe low signal will raise BUSY line to
2 To printer DATA BIT 1 These signals are the 1st to the 8th bits of
3 To printer DATA BIT 2 parallel data.
4 To printer DATA BIT 3
5 To printer DATA BIT 4 These signals are active high for a logical 1.
6 To printer DATA BIT 5
7 To printer DATA BIT 6
8 To printer DATA BIT 7
9 To printer DATA BIT 8
10 From printer ACKNLG L ACKNLG pulse low indicates data received
and ready to receive more data.
Sent at power up or after INIT sequence.
11 From printer BUSY H “high” indicates the printer can not
receive data (buffer full). BUSY high occurs
when paper is out, an INIT is received, the
printer is offline, or an error condition exists.
12 From printer PE H PAPER END high signal indicates paper out.
13 From printer SLCT H A high signal indicates the printer is in the
select state.
SLCT L Low signal occurs when printer is de selected
or an error condition exists.
14 Not used
15 Not used
16 0 volts. Logic ground.
17 Chassis ground.
18 + 5V. Maximum output current is 50 mA.
19-29 TWP returns 0 volts. All at logic ground.
30 INIT ground 0 volts
31 To printer INIT L INIT low resets the printer to its initial state
and clears the buffer.
Printer must see a pulse > 25 microseconds.
32 From printer ERROR L This signal is low when the printer is out of
paper, not selected, or in an error state.