Congratulations on purchasing a GENICOM Matrix Printer LA36N/LA36W. This printer is
a compact, versatile printer that offers maximum compatibility with today’s software
packages and personal computers. The 24-wire print head provides crisp, clear printing for
business, office, and home environments. This printer is also easy to install and use.
GENICOM Matrix Printer LA36N
Key printer features and options are listed in the next two sections.
• Euro Currency Symbol. This GENICOM Matrix Printer supports the Euro currency
symbol. This character is contained in the ISO Latin-9 code page for the DEC PPL2
emulation and in the code page 858 and ISO 8859-15 for the IBM and EPSON
emulations. See the Quick Reference Guide, Appendix C, for the emulation you are
using for the escape sequence to select the appropriate code page and see appendix E for
the location of the Euro currency symbol within the code page
• Software compatibility. This printer, which operates with the DEC PPL2 protocol, the
IBM Proprinter X24E (LA36N) or IBM Proprinter XL24E (LA36W) protocol and the
Epson ESC/P2 protocol (for Epson LQ870 or LQ1170 printers or equivalent).