
4-3GFK-0726B Chapter 4 Serial Communications
Serial Port Setup
There are several serial port configuration options. Some of these options are set using
ECLiPS or OnTOP, and others can only be set by an executing State Logic program.
ECLiPS or OnTOP Options
The options available in the ECLiPS or OnTOP menus to change the configuration of the
SLP serial ports are displayed below.
The options available in the ECLiPS or OnTOP menus to change the configuration of the
SLP serial ports are displayed below.
Each of these options is set in the State Engine Configuration Menu selected from the
Debug Mode Project Menu in ECLiPS or from the Controller Option in OnTOP.
Programmable Setup Options
On power up the serial port parameters are set to their default settings. These settings
may be changed by using the Set_Commport programming keyword in the control pro-
gram. The Set_Commport keyword and parameters must be executed by the control
program to change the serial port settings. Just changing the parameters in the ECLiPS
serial communications setup form does not automatically change these settings.
After the SLP serial port parameters are set, ECLiPS automatically enters the Set_Comm-
port instruction into the program when the following selections are made. Select the
LIST option from the program mode menu; then select the Communication Ports option.
Highlight the appropriate port and press <Enter>. ECLiPS prompts whether to enter
the port name only or enter reconfiguration data. After selecting Enter Reconfiguration
Data, the Set_Commport keyword plus the instructions to change the serial port param-
eters are entered into the ECLiPS program.
These options affect the SLP serial port configuration only, not the ECLiPS or OnTOP
serial port setup. The option to change the ECLiPS or OnTOP host computer serial port
configuration is available only when there is some problem connecting ECLiPS or On-
TOP to the SLP. The only options which can be changed on the ECLiPS or OnTOP serial
port configuration are selecting COM1 or COM2 and changing the baud rate.