3-2 State Logic Processor for Series 90-30 PLC User’s Guide – March 1998
Communications Problems with ECLiPS or OnTOP
1. Check that the serial cable used conforms to one of the types specified for
communications to the SLP ports. Check that the cable is firmly secured at both
2. When there is a communications problem, a message indicating problems
connecting to the controller is displayed together with some options. Select the
“Change Host Comm Port Settings” option to check the computer port being used
and the baud rate. The default SLP baud rate is 19.2K.
3. The SLP programming port may have been changed. ECLiPS and OnTOP must be
connected to the designated programming port. The default programming port is
Port 1 but can be changed by ECLiPS or OnTOP. Make sure the serial cable is
connected to the current programming port.
4. The SLP serial port configuration may have been changed. These parameters can
only be changed by Statements using the Set_Commport keyword in the State Logic
program. Reset the SLP to return the SLP serial port parameters to their default
state. If the program is setup to start running automatically and the program
continues to change the serial port parameters after the reset switch is pressed, turn
off the power to the SLP, remove the battery, and short the SLP battery leads to reset
the SLP.
5. Port 2 of the 90-30 SLP is an RS-422/485 port and Port 1 is an RS-232 port. Make sure
that the host computer serial port setup matches the SLP port for RS-232-RS-422/485
6. If there is still no communication between the SLP and OnTOP or ECLiPS then call
the GE Fanuc Hotline for assistance.
Communications Problems with Another Serial Device
1. Check that the serial cable used conforms to one of the types specified for
communications to the SLP ports. Check that the cable is firmly secured at both
2. Make sure that the serial port parameters of the serial device match the settings of
the SLP. The default settings of the SLP are 19.2K baud rate, 8 data bits, 2 stop bits,
and no parity.
3. Make sure the RS-422/485-RS-232 standards are the same for SLP and the serial
4. When connecting some device to the programming port, make sure that you exit
ECLiPS or OnTOP normally before disconnecting from the SLP.
5. If there are still problems contact the GE Fanuc Hotline for assistance.