
Getting Started
Main Page Sequence
Getting Started
Confi guring Main Pages
To change the size of the Digital data fi elds:
1. Press and hold the DATA/CNFG key for two seconds. The Confi guration window appears.
2. Using the ARROW KEYPAD, highlight the Digital 1 or Digital 2 adjustment sliders and press ENTER.
3. Press UP on the ARROW KEYPAD to display larger text with fewer data fi elds. Press DOWN on the
ARROW KEYPAD to display smaller text with more data fi elds. A preview of the data fi elds appears below
in the Preview window. As you adjust the data fi eld size, the confi gurable data fi elds automatically display
in the Digital 1 and Digital 2 lists.
4. Press QUIT to exit the slider adjustment. Press QUIT again to return to the Main Page.
To change Digital 1 or Digital 2 data fi elds:
1. Press and hold the DATA/CNFG key for two seconds. The Confi guration window appears.
2. Using the ARROW KEYPAD, highlight the data fi eld you wish to change and press ENTER.
3. Move up or down on the list using the ARROW KEYPAD to highlight the type of data you wish to display,
and press ENTER or press the DATA ENTRY key(s) for the selection. To exit, press QUIT.
Available data fi eld choices are:
1. Bearing (BRG)
2. Course Over Ground (COG)
3. Course To Steer (CTS)
4. Cross Track Error (XTE)
5. Date
6. Depth (DPT)*
7. Desired Course Over Ground (DCOG)
8. Distance to Destination (DIST DEST)
9. Distance to Next (DIST NEXT)
10.Elevation (ELEV)
11.Estimated Position Error (EPE)
12.Est. Arrival Time at Destination (ETA DEST)
To restore the factory default confi guration:
1. Press and hold the DATA/CNFG key for two seconds. The Confi guration window appears.
2. Using the ARROW KEYPAD, highlight the ‘Defaults’ button and press ENTER.
13.Est. Arrival Time at Next (ETA NEXT)
14.Est. Time En Route to Destination (ETE DEST)
15.Est. Time En Route to Next (ETE Next)
16.Position (POSN)
17.Speed Over Ground (SOG)
18.Speed Through Water (STW)*
19.Time of Day (TIME)
21.Velocity Made Good (VMG)
22.Voltage (VOLT)
23.Water Temperature (WTR TEMP)*
*Requires input of Garmin or NMEA Sonar Data to display.
Digital 1 with
large data fi elds.
Digital 2 with small
data fi elds.
Choose the type of information
you wish to display in a certain
data fi eld.