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Once you have filled in your search criteria and selected
Search, a list of subject terms most closely matching your
criteria will appear on the left hand side of the screen and a
list of documents that meet your search criteria on the right-
hand side. Related Searches lists all the subject headings
containing your search term. Often you will see the term you
searched for at the top of the list. This indicates that the term
is in the Subject Guide’s thesaurus; clicking on this term will
give you a similar-looking screen, only this time the Subject
Guide results will be in hierarchical order: you will see head-
ings and underneath these headings “See.” If you click on
“See” you will retrieve “Broader Terms,” “Related Terms,”
“Narrower Terms,” and/or “See Also” under which there
will be more general, and more specific, terms. To select a
Subject Guide entry, click on its hyperlinked term.
Documents are grouped by data type into the following tabs:
Reference, Magazines, Newspapers, Academic Journals,
Multimedia and Web sites. Clicking on the labeled tabs
allows you to choose the type of document you wish to see.
The results list will display the title of the document and its
source. Reference documents will display according to their
relevancy rankings (how many times the term appears in the
article). Results for Reference will be limited to 200.
Multimedia results are listed in alphabetical order according
to their document citation. You can view the different data
type results by clicking on the labeled tab. If the search does
not find any results for a specific data type, the tab will be
“grayed out” and will not work.
The Timeline enables you to find significant events that
occurred from prehistory to the present. There are several
different ways to search the Timeline:
Chronology Bar: You may scroll along the timeline bar
and choose a specific time period by clicking on the time
period box. A description of each period will pop up as
you scroll your mouse over the search bar
Enter a specific year or range of years
Search Timeline Event: You may enter a specific event
into the text box and click on the “Search” button
Search Timeline Event and Specific year: You may also
key in a start and/or end date and a search term. The
years and terms will be linked together with an implied
You can print documents of any type with any content.
Documents and your Mark List can be printed or e-mailed to
yourself or others; however, Science Standards display pages
cannot be e-mailed. While viewing an article, you can print
it or e-mail it to yourself. If you select the print button in the
upper left of the screen the system will automatically format
the document for printing taking out the page set-up graph-
ics and saving print time and toner.
If you select the e-mail button, you can mail the document
either in HTML format or in plain text. Enter a valid e-mail
address (be sure to check it for accuracy!). You may type in
a subject line for the e-mail message; or keep or modify the
default subject created by the system. Select an e-mail for-
mat. Then click Send. Only the text portion of documents
will be included in the e-mail. Images, audio clips and video
files cannot be e-mailed.
When e-mailing a Mark List, you may choose to send the
entire list in a single e-mail which will include just the cita-
tion information you see on the Mark List page. Or, you can
send the complete record of each document in its own e-mail
From any of these options, use the Browser’s BACK button
to return to the document.