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A search for DNA returned citations in all six tabs:
Reference, Magazines, Academic Journals, Newspapers,
Multimedia and Web sites. An extensive Subject Guide list is
displayed on the left of the screen with all subjects contain-
ing the search term DNA.
The default is the Reference tab. The Subject Search for
DNA lists 200 documents from the many reference sources
sorted by relevance. With the pull-down sort menu, you can
quickly re-sort the articles by either content level, document
type, title, chronological order, reverse chronological order,
or source.
The Subject Search for DNA returned 1,000 articles listed
in reverse chronological order, but they can quickly be
sorted by selecting any of the other sort options from the
sort menu: content level, document type, title, chronological
order or source.
The little camera icon distinguishes articles with images:
Full-text articles are identified by this icon.
If the article is an abstract, this icon will be displayed:
The content level is indicated by the following icons
displayed to the left of the article:
If the article can be retrieved in PDF format, the PDF link
icon is displayed:
Clicking on this icon will automatically link to the PDF
On the date of this search, the Subject Search for DNA
returned 11,835 articles, which can be sorted in order of
preference: document type, title, chronological order or