172 ServerView Event Manager
MIB integration
The tool starts up and the following window is displayed:
Figure 17: “MIB Manager” tool
To integrate private MIBs, proceed as follows:
Ê Select the relevant directory using the Browse... button.
Ê Select the MIB and then click the Upload button. The tool then checks the
MIB for correct syntax. In the next window a message shows the status.
Ê Click the Save parsed MIB button to integrate the MIB.
Ê In the next window, select Close to close the tool.
I After a third-party MIB has been integrated, the Java plug-in cache must
be cleared. Under Windows the ServerView Services must be restarted.
Under Linux it is sufficient just to restart the SVForwardServer with:
/etc/init.d/sv_fwdserver restart.
Additional MIB integration under Linux
Beside the tool private MIBs can also be integrated under Linux operating
systems as follows:
Ê Stop the SVForwardServer service:
/etc/init.d/sv_fwdserver stop
Ê Copy the MIB to the directory
Ê Then restart the SVForwardServer service:
/etc/init.d/sv_fwdserver start