ServerView Event Manager 127
Trap overview
fanFailureTrap 5 The fan in the specified
location has failed. Replace
fanInformationTrap 6 The fan in the specified
location was recovered.
lunFailureTrap 16 The LUN has failed and is
off-line. Possible cause is
too many failed disk drives
that make up the LUN, the
OS can no longer
communicate with the LUN
for other reasons.
lunInformationTrap 19 A LUN has become optimal
due to successful
completion of the
reconstruction process.
lunReconstructTrap 17 The LUN has started the
reconstruction process but
is available for normal use.
Possible causes are an
available disk drive was
created as a spare to be
inserted into the set, an
existing spare was
automatically added to the
set for reconstruction upon
failure of a member disk
lunReducedTrap 18 A LUN has become
degraded due to a member
disk device failure. Replace
the failed disk device; add a
spare to the system to
cause a reconstruct.
Trap name ID Meaning Error class
Table 37: PXRE traps