
System Administration 157
When the HTTPS server starts, the XSCF is reset.
The CSR is overwritten.
In case the XSCF unit is duplicated configuration, the setting automatically
reflected to the standby XSCF. When there's a defect on the standby XSCF, it
leads to an error.
The details of the current HTTPS service can be checked by using the
showhttps(8) command.
EXAMPLE 1 Starts the HTTPS service.
The reset continues after this point.
EXAMPLE 2 Stops the HTTPS service.
EXAMPLE 3 Creates a CSR with thefollowing settings: country: JP,state|province: Kana-
gawa, locality: Kawasaki, organization: Example, organizationalunit: devel-
opment, common: scf_host, e-mail: abc@example.com
EXAMPLE 4 Creates the self-certification authority with the following settings, and cre-
ates a self-signed web server certificate:country: JP, state|province: Kanaga-
wa, locality: Kawasaki, organization: Example, organizationalunit:
development, common: scf_host, e-mail: abc@example.com
EXAMPLE 5 Creates the private key of the web server.
XSCF> sethttps -c enable
The XSCF will be reset. Continue? [y|n] :y
Broadcast message from root (pts/4) (Jan 27 16:59:10 2006):
The system is going down for reboot NOW!
sethttps disable
XSCF> sethttps -c gencsr JP Kanagawa Kawasaki Example development
\ scf_host abc@example.com
Enter passphrase:
Verifying - Enter passphrase:
XSCF> sethttps -c selfsign JP Kanagawa Kawasaki Example
development scf_host abc@example.com
CA key and CA cert already exist. Do you still wish to update? [y|n] :y
Enter passphrase:
Verifying - Enter passphrase:
sethttps -c genserverkey
Server key already exists. Do you still wish to update? [y|n] :y
Enter passphrase:
Verifying - Enter passphrase: