154 XSCF Reference Manual • Last Revised January 2007
OPERANDS The following operands are supported:
■ To enable the set host name and DNS domain name, execute the
applynetwork(8) command and reset the XSCF.
■ The currently set host name and DNS domain name of the XSCF unit can be
checked by using the shownetwork(8) command.
EXAMPLE 1 Sets the host name scf0_hostname for XSCF unit 0.
EXAMPLE 2 Sets the DNS domain name example.com for XSCF unit.
EXIT STATUS The following exit values are returned:
SEE ALSO applynetwork(8), showhostname(8)
domainname Specifies a DNS domain name to be set for the XSCF unit. The
domainname is specified as up to 64 characters, with label
elements delimited by a period (.). If a domain name exceeding
64 characters is specified, an error occurs. A label element can
contain alphanumeric characters and hyphens (-). Each label
element must always begin with an alphabetic character and end
with an alphanumeric character.
hostname Specifies a host name to be set for the XSCF unit. The hostname
can be specified up to 64 characters. If a host name exceeding 64
characters is specified, an error occurs. Alphanumeric character
and hyphens (-) can be used. However, a host name must
always begin with an alphabetic character and end with an
alphanumeric character.
xscfu Specifies the name of the XSCF unit to be set. The following
values can be specified, depending on the system configuration.
If no value is specified, an error occurs.
xscf#0 XSCF unit 0
xscf#1 XSCF unit 1 (when a duplicated
configuration is used)
XSCF> sethostname xscf#0 scf0_hostname
XSCF> sethostname -d example.com
0 Successful completion.
>0 An error occurred.