Appliance Management Panel Configuring general SNMP settings
The AMP uses SNMP within a secure tunnel to manage appliances. For this reason,
UDP port 161 does not need to be exposed on firewalls. You must expose UDP port 161
to monitor appliances using third party SNMP-based management software.
5.7.1 Configuring general SNMP settings
Click the Settings tab in the AMP.
Select the SNMP category.
Figure 29: AMP SNMP category
Select or clear the Enable SNMP check box.
In the Name field, enter the 0 to 255 character fully qualified domain name of the
appliance. In the Contact field, enter 0 to 255 characters of contact information.
In the Community Names area, enter the 1 to 64 character Read, Write, and Trap
community names. These specify the community strings that must be used in
SNMP actions. The Read and Write strings apply only to SNMP over UDP port 161
and act as passwords that protect access to the appliance.
In the Allowable Managers area, specify up to four SNMP management entities to
monitor the appliance, or leave this area blank to let any computer to monitor the
To add an allowable manager, complete the following steps: