Creating and managing folders KVM s3 Client Explorer
3.7 Creating and managing folders
Use folders to create a customized organizational system for groups of units. For
example, you might create a folder for critical target devices or for remote target
devices. Folders are listed under the Folders tab in the Explorer. You can name and
structure folders in any way you choose.
Select the Folders tab.
Figure 7: Folders in the Explorer
Complete one of the following steps:
• Click on the top-level Folders node and select File - New - Folder.
• To create a nested folder, click on an existing folder and select File - New -
Folder in the Explorer menu. The New Folder window opens.
Type a 1 to 32 character name. Folder names are not case sensitive. You can use
embedded spaces but not leading or trailing spaces. You cannot use duplicate
folder names at the same level, but you can use duplicate folder names on different
Click OK. The new folder is listed in the Group Selector pane.