Device Configuration Commands Command Reference
Intelligent Blade Panel Module
159 show lacp
This command enables Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) on a uplink set.
show lacp [<uplinkSetName>]
<uplinkSetName> - The name of a uplink set which the LACP to be enabled or disabled.
Default Setting
Command Mode
Privileged Exec
Display Message
Uplink Set Name: This indicates the name of uplink set.
Linkstate:. This indicates lacp is enabled or disabled for this uplink set
7.4.5 Uplink Sets Show Commands
This command display the Uplink Set information.
show uplink-set [<uplinkSetName>]
<uplinkSetName> - The name of uplink set which user want to display.
Default Setting
Command Mode
Privileged Exec
Display Message
Uplink Set Name: This indicates the name of uplink set.
External Ports:. The member of the uplink set. The member should be the external ports.
External Active Ports: List the external active port members
External Backup Ports: List the external backup port members
Link State: The status of linkstate for the uplink set.